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Spring Forward - get your Spring Garden ready with U-Wood Bespoke Designs Carpentry

The clocks went forward an hour last month, meaning we have maximum daylight during the Spring and Summer months - and we are here for it! It’s time to dig out and clean up the garden furniture - or maybe it's time get something new?

With so many pro’s to UK daylight savings, it's hard not to get a bit excited for what's to come...

Longer evenings

Longer evenings mean people get up and get out! It encourages us to leave the house and explore or partake in outdoor activities. The tourism sector benefits greatly from longer lighter nights. The local economy is boosted by longer evenings, giving people more time to dine, shop and go to events. But most importantly, when you return home from those wonderful excursions, there'll still be time to sit outside with a beer or glass of wine, and enjoy the peace of your garden before the sun fades.

Lighter mornings

Seeing that sunrise peeking through our curtains puts us in a positive mood and gives us a glow. We are more likely to breathe in that fresh air and get outside in the garden for our morning coffee and breakfast. Starting the day in a positive mindset meaning long, happy, productive days.

Less artificial light

Ensuring we are active during daylight hours helps reduce the demand for artificial lighting, which is one of Daylight Savings main goals! Adjusting daily schedules to the Summer’s changing day lengths may help aid energy conservation, and most definitely gets us that extra Vitman D!

So now that we have given you that little buzz of excitement for the lighter days to come, it’s time for you to get planning those BBQ’s and Summer get togethers. Get in touch with us here at U-Wood Bespoke Designs and we can help you design your outdoor living space with some gorgeous bespoke garden furniture.


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